Stephanie & Jeff | June 19, 2021

For Stephanie and Jeff’s wedding we had the pleasure of returning to one of our most favorite venues ever, The Castaway in Portland, Oregon. The greenhouse behind the venue always provides such a cool green backdrop for portraits, and the inside of the venue always has some of my favorite high contrast blue and grey shots.

The officiant was a close friend of Steph and Jeff, and she did an amazing job of telling their story in a way that made everyone laugh and felt very true to the couple. The wedding party was huge, and they were all so fun to spend the day with. We felt very included in the party and really had a good time all day.

I don’t usually put detail shots as a highlight of the film, but look for the part where the rings drop slow motion into Stephanie’s shoes during bridal prep. Proud film nerd moment right there. I also got a little risky during the first minute with the lofi black and white shots. I don’t often venture out of our usual style, but this seemed to fit the song really well, and it just ended up looking so damn cool as I was messing with the footage that I decided to use it. I really loved the dancing footage during the reception. Everyone was so crazy and it was fun trying to recreate the absolute bonkers party for the film.

Steph and Jeff thanks for bringing us out! We had so much fun, and this film was a blast to edit start to finish:)

Much Loves,
